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Climate is our Challenge

Climate is our Challenge

In Zimbabwe, climate change will cause average temperatures to rise by about 3°C before the end of this century.

AI: Artificial Insemination

AI: Artificial Insemination

I could say I was an early adopter of AI, back in the 80s, when AI, for me, stood for Artificial Insemination and I was working in the livestock genetics research field.

The Lockdown Diaries (UK)

The Lockdown Diaries (UK)

“Begin at the beginning,” the King said, gravely, “and go on till you come to the end: then stop.” ….

Dealing in the dark – planning in an existential crisis

Dealing in the dark – planning in an existential crisis

2020 – the pandemic has triggered an economic and human catastrophe and it’s far from over. But it will spark a new normal – … So how different was the world in 2020 and how will this reshape our strategies for 2021 to 2025? ….

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