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Climate Change? Is it Human-induced or cyclical Nature? The former gives rise to the blame game or passing the buck (carbon credits); the latter allows for a shrugging of shoulders. It is a given that there are increasing frequencies of extreme weather conditions, bringing devastation and suffering. There are vast sums of money being allocated to climate change but a lack of transparency as to how these are being used and for what, or whose, benefit. And how is Africa faring, a victim with little influence on decision-making?

“I am firmly of the belief that the future will show that this whole hysteria over climate change was a complete fabrication.” Opinion on Global Warming by Greenpeace Co-Founder, Dr. Patrick Moore.

Today, climate scientists are being challenged by those who doubt or deny that climate change is caused by human activities. As with evolution and health risks from tobacco, opposition comes from within the science community as well as from social or political structures.

Some point out that CO2 is at its lowest levels ever and cannot be causing global warming. Others argue that global warming has happened many times before in history for various reasons, and not because of humans. There is a small group of scientists who dispute the role of anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions in causing climate change.

It is the role of Science to question, to support or disprove evidence and to revise science knowledge accordingly. Can Science come out with a clear message?