+263 771930182/ +236 772929193 busdev@qpartnership.com
Health mysteries – investments, eligibility and disruption

Health mysteries – investments, eligibility and disruption

It’s Spring again in the health sector and the rush is on to get fresh proposals in before the window closes. Sitting on the fringes since February 2020, watching and studying the seasonal change, the proverbial fly on a West African wall, has exposed us to intriguing...
Speaking of “R” rates and Desert Locusts

Speaking of “R” rates and Desert Locusts

Our      cents 5 Coffee Chats – Where Collaboration Brews Success Speaking of “R” rates and Desert Locusts With what were you consumed on your prolific WhatsApp groups in January 2020? How to flatten the curve of Schistocerca gregaria, which has the potential to...
Kiosk economies – our future in a circular world

Kiosk economies – our future in a circular world

Our      cents 5 Coffee Chats – Where Collaboration Brews Success Kiosk economies – our future in a circular world “Kiosk Economies” are a complex web of small, ‘temporary’, stand-alone systems used to create livelihoods in high-unemployment countries. These economies...
Brave New World – are we going to be “brave”?

Brave New World – are we going to be “brave”?

Whilst the world grapples with the impact of Covid-19 and tries to unravel all the unknowns, it is important to decide what lessons we want to take forward with us into the post-Covid-19 world. (As Donald Rumsfeld, former United States Secretary of Defence, once...
Education – we were leaders, where are we now?

Education – we were leaders, where are we now?

Zimbabwe has long boasted of an education system that produced very high literacy levels and respected academics, not only within Africa but also the rest of the world. The country also witnessed huge strides in the construction of schools following independence in...