+263 771930182/ +236 772929193 busdev@qpartnership.com

Governance, Strategy and Organisational Development



Whether a business or a non-profit organisation, governance relates to consistent leadership, management, cohesive policies, guidance, processes and decision-rights for a given area of responsibility. It relates to decisions that define expectations, grant power or verify performance. 

Q Partnership has assisted organisations develop governance approaches, systems and evaluation tools, in line with global best practice.

 These interventions include:

  1. Assessment of current practice, identification of gaps and non-compliance with global standards;
  2. Development of governance guidelines, including constitutions, articles of association, Board charters and codes of conduct;
  3. Provision of training and induction for Board members, Chairpersons and Committee leaders;
  4. Facilitation of strategy development and strategy evaluation for Boards;
  5. Evaluation of Board performance and the development of governance dashboards;
  6. Leadership development training and leadership coaching for both Board members and Executive management.


Q Partnership helps organisations to develop a collective ambition, a clear identity, decent values, motivating milestones and measurable targets, giving everyone a better sense of the organisation’s purpose and an understanding of how each individual can contribute through their skills and actions.

Q Partnership works WITH organisations to:

  1. Develop a vision which unifies the power of collective ambition and an exciting destination, a brand that is consistent, exciting, satisfying and motivating.
  2. Shape a clear sense of purpose, defining core business, target markets and impact groups.
  3. Identify targets and milestones to frame evidence of progress in the chosen ‘ecosystem’, market leadership and competitive partnerships.
  4. Craft strategic and operational priorities, defining how the vision will be achieved.
  5. Nurture core values that define the philosophy, code of ethics and behaviours that will not only guide your organisation but also create a great place to work.
  6. Develop a high level dashboard to help track progress towards the vision and milestones


Q Partnership works with organisations to implement strategic actions through careful change management, dedicated mentoring and coaching of key personnel, to ensure that they are best able to achieve the desired strategic outcomes.

We work closely with key personnel to manage the process of implementing significant stages in an agreed strategic action or change plan, so that deliverables are achieved and change momentum is not lost.

 Q Partnership has wide experience working with different levels in the organisations, from Managing / Country Director mentoring to coaching and developing Middle Management in:

  1. Identifying and agreeing the need for change;
  2. Identifying potential resistance to change and how to manage it;
  3. Drawing in change champions and change managers;
  4. Drafting a detailed change programme or map;
  5. Tracking implementation;
  6. Revising the change plan based on the learning from implementation.

This Strategy Implementation support can also lead to the development of annual Business Plans, Capacity Building plans, Succession plans or Mentoring and Coaching plans


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